#1 How to Send flowers and gifts to K-pop Star Korean celebrity actor

How to Send K-pop Star Korean actor Gifts

Your guide on sending K-pop star gifts or flowers to South Korea, Order online fast and easy next day delivery to your favourite kpop star, Korean actors, celebrities. Do you want to send your gift or flowers to Seoul, South Korea, a few thousand kilometers across the Pacific Ocean? Yes! of course! you can! flowerstokorea.com is a reliable company that delivers flowers and gifts for your celebrity to Agency, theater, artist’s coffee shop or business location.


Where Can I Send the Gifts to?

You can send gifts or flowers for your celebrity to these 4 places: Agency, theater, the owner of an online fan club, artist’s coffee shop or business location.

You can check the places where Flowers to Korea actually delivered to celebrities..

 1(A~D) B1A4, Bambam, Blackpink kimjisoo, BTS, CNBLUE, D1CE
 2(H~I) hanbin kim, Hoyoung Son, Hyesung, Hyun Joong Kim, Hyunbin, Ilwoo Jung, Iz
 3(J) Jae-uck kim, JayJark, Jebum Im, JiAh Lee, Jin Young Park, Jung Hyun Kim, Jung Min Park, Junghwa Kim
 4(K~R) KEUN SUK JANG, kingdouble_b, KRY, Min Ho  Lee 이민호, Momoland, MonstaX, Raon Lee
 5(S~W) Siwon choi, Soohyun kim, SuA Kim, Sunho Kim, superJunior Kyuhyun, Tintop, Toil Ahn, Vanner , Wonho Shin
 6(X~Z) Yejin Son, YongHa Park  박용하, Yoon Ah Im, Yoonhak, Yesung  superjunior

  1. For most celebrities, it is best to send gifts to their agency because most agencies gladly accept gifts for their artists and actors, but not all do. but Some agencies does not accept gifts at their front door for any of their artists or workers unless the manager or the artist knows the person sending the gifts. But we were able to send some flowers to him for your stars. Do you want to know how?
  2. Send the flowers and gifts to the theater where your favorite Korean Pop Star is performing in. They accept gifts for celebrities at the front desk or information booth. However, you have to make sure to get the gifts to the theater on the day of the performance before the show ends. So it is very important to understand that cheaters and concerts are different. Some concerts do not accept gifts for the celebrities, while some do, so you’ll have to find out from other fans, but every theater has accepted gifts for people acting in the performance, even artists who are with SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG Entertainment. Do you want to send flowers to other countries' performances? Yes, we send flowers to perform in Japan or California USA.
  1. Become really good friends with the owner of an online fan club and ask them for a favor. We have actually been requested to deliver flowers and gifts to fan club owners who would then deliver the gifts to the famous Korean celebrity.
  2. Send the gifts to the artist’s coffee shop or business location. Most of the artists’ business places accept the gifts, even the restaurant of the artists’ mother has accepted gifts, but not all do. Some artists are really specific about not accepting gifts from fans and have their employees reject them at their cafes and restaurants. So make sure to ask fellow fans for as much information as possible. We at Flowes to Korea have a lot of experience delivering to celebrities and artists in Korea, but we do not know everything. But we will do our best to help.


What Should I Send?

This question is very important because you shouldn’t just send anything. First of all, you need to consider a few things:

  1. Chances are that your favorite celebrity is on a busy schedule and is not likely to visit the agency building every day.
  2. There is a chance that your favorite Korean celebrity won’t even be in Korea.
  3. You need to be aware of how long it takes to make the flowers or gifts and how long it will take for the delivery to be made.

Since Korean celebrities may not be at the agency everyday, it is a bad idea to send fruit or any kind of food that expires quickly. Flowes to Korea has Chocolates hampers, Wine hamper, that last for many months, which are good gifts to send. Even flowers or Plants can last a few weeks. Did you know that the favorite male idols are whiskey, Moet Chanton, and Domperignion?

I really do not recommend the cake. I know that you may want to make your favorite Korean Pop Celebrity feel special on his or her birthday by sending them a cake. You may imagine them eating it happily and being thankful of you, but they most likely won’t see the cake for a few days. At the very least, you should send something that lasts at least a few days. A cake will go bad within a day or two if it doesn’t go into a refrigerator, which won’t happen if someone working for the agency is informed about the delivery.


flowerstokorea.com is giving you a tip.

-Actors/actresses do not receive as many gifts as Kpop idols

-Most agencies are very friendly and are very thankful for the gifts sent

-If you are unsure of what to write when you order on Flower Gift Korea, just write as much as you can and we will contact you if we need to. We can find the agency information by searching the internet in Korean.

-The smaller the agency, the more likely they will accept gift

-The artists and celebrities are very very busy, so if you write pages and pages in your message to them, they will most likely not read it.


Hyun Joong Kim 김현중

Henecia 301ho, 22, Sapyeong-daero 28-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul , 06577 South Korea
T: +82 070 4167 8007

Since 2013, fans have been ordering gifts. It is a birthday present on June 6, 2014.

To send a gift to a ‘Prime concert’ performed on Nodeul Island, you can send it to Nodeul Island Live House.
(04427) 445, Yangnyeong-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 서울특별시 용산구 양녕로 445


A gift that is difficult to store is Jaksal chicken(작살 치킨) run by Hyunjoong Kim and his friends (171-9 Seokchon-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul 서울 송파구 석촌동 171-9).



Seonho Kim 김선호 Kimseonho 

솔트엔터테인먼트 Salt Entertainment B-dong 908-ho 190, Gwangnaru-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04791 서울특별시 성동구 광나루로 190, 이에스에이리버하우스 B동 908호

T: 070-8129-0513


Jung Hyun Kim 김정현

Story J , 3rd Floor , Siyeon Building 10 , World Cup-ro 12 gil , Mapagu , Seoul
Mapagu , Seoul , 82
South Korea
T: 0226776868


ImYoonAh 임유나

SM Entertainment 83-21, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul

TEL. 02-6240-9800

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